IELTS Writing Task Topics 2022 with Answer #1 - Children Pressure


This time, I will share with you an example of an IELTS essay with topics and writing examples. I hope this is useful for those of you preparing to take the IELTS exam.


For this task, you will have to spend about 40 minutes.
Present a written argument to an educated reader who has no specific knowledge of the following subject:

“Children face a lot of pressure academically, socially and professionally right now. What are the causes of this pressure and what measures should be taken to reduce it?"

Model answer:

It is said that today's children are under the same pressure as the elders of yesterday. This is true in the sense that children face increasingly complex academic, social and vocational challenges. This is due to the ever-increasing demands of life on people in general, from the same point of view. While it is important for children to be their age best for successful adults, they need to be protected from increasing pressure by maintaining a balance between physical and psychological development.

As the global village becomes more competitive every day, it becomes important for us to prepare for battle early and quickly. This can be understood by anyone who encourages the society to advance the minors to the learning stage.

Another contributing factor to this increasing pressure on children is the lack of institutional capacity, especially in developing countries. Now more than ever, children must compete with each other for the privilege of higher education.

While healthy competition is good for young people's psychosocial development, it is quite unhealthy for competition to appear over the target. Of course, the goal of kids competing with each other is ideally to be the best of themselves. But often one child is forced to compete to be better than the other. In other words, the competition turns into a fight, not a sprint.

To stop such relentless struggle among our youth, we must first inculcate the spirit of friendship in all our development institutions like schools and colleges. Students should strive for academic excellence and not social excellence. Additionally, parents
An active role should be played in promoting sportsmanship among the students. They should not allow despicable aggression and their own arrogance in the lives of their children.

To support such social reforms, the government must make broad alternatives to the traditional path of success.

Here the result is simple. Today's kids are entering "survival of the fittest" status very quickly, when they really should have been doing their best. Such an untimely loss of innocence would make civilization even more hostile. Therefore, we must ensure that personal development takes place in harmony and not in bad competition.

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